Thank you for buying a torch from me.

You will find instructions in the box but please note the following VERY IMPORTANT points that can affect your warranty, your pocket or even your health:

  • Battery polarity: it's essential to instal your batteries the right way around in the torch and charger. Putting them in the wrong way around can cause damage and could conceivably cause a fire. This counts as "misuse" and is not covered by the warranty. For more on getting the most from your batteries, see my Li-Ion Taming page.

  • Unprotected batteries:  If you've bought unprotected batteries it's vital you don't run them down too far (<2.6v) or they will be trashed. To prevent this from happening, don't operate your torch after it indicates the battery charge is low, top up your batteries after each use, and lock-out your torch mechanically when you put it away (if you're not sure how, email me at Unprotected batteries don't carry a warranty, so a mistake will cost you!

  • Standby mode and lockout: there's a difference between "standby" and "off" – in standby your torch continues to deplete the battery, even when it's turned off, potentially damaging the cell. A "mechanical lockout" prevents this, and stops the torch from being turned on accidentally, with results that are... not covered. Check my operating guidelines to see how to lock out your torch mechanically, or ask.

  • Overheating: your torch is powerful and can overheat under certain circumstances, even if it has built-in safeguards to step down the brightness. Please make sure it never gets too hot to hold comfortably, and when it's packed away it's locked out. Allowing your torch to overheat constitutes "misuse" and – guess what – it isn't covered by your warranty!

  • Submersion: most decent torches are waterproof as long they are tightly screwed together and the rubber o-rings are in good condition and properly lubricated. Even so, it's important not to switch the torch on or off while it's under water – the change in internal temperature will suck water past the seals. Water damage is not covered by your warranty because the factory can't verify the circumstances.

  • Impact: all my torches have been tested for impact resistance using the method laid down by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). However, just like waterproofing, this is not guaranteed because the manufacturer can't confirm what actually happened – they simply dismiss these claims as mis-handling. Sorry.

  • Modification: this doesn't only apply to a guy with a soldering iron in his hand – opening your torch where it is not supposed to be opened, or putting the wrong kind of battery in it are enough to get the chaps at the factory to shake their heads when I ask for approval of a warranty claim.

I know this makes it sound like the warranty is worthless but that really isn't the case – these situations are extremely rare. These conditions are common to most torches – those with "unconditional" warranties simply load their prices to cover more claims. Anyway, speaking for myself, I'd rather have these landmines drawn to my attention before I step on them.

If you have a warranty claim, and I sold the torch to you, I will argue your case with the factory and replace your torch as soon as they approve (which they invariably do) as long as I have stock of that torch. Neither the manufacturer nor I make friends by rejecting claims, so it's very rare that we do. In fact I've dumped several brands when they became unreasonable about warranty claims.

If you bought your torch overseas I'm afraid you'll need to send it back there, which will probably cost you more than you paid for the torch, and you may have to pay duties if and when your torch is eventually sent back to you. Shipping torches (and especially lithium ion batteries) is a tricky and expensive business – it makes up a big chunk of my cost prices.

Finally, please note that I do NOT accept responsibility for any kind of consequential loss, damages or injury – so if your torch causes a forest fire or kills your laptop when you try to charge your batteries, the most I can offer is my sympathies.

On a more positive note, all of my torches have great features which may not be immediately obvious – it really is worth reading the factory manual and my operating guidelines, and practicing how to use these features so you don't have to fumble in the dark at a critical moment. However, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me – anytime!